Pavol Kakačka



Fully automatic compilation and testing framework.


A tool or a framework intended for developers for fully automated formation of the vast projects. It allows to:

  • compile projects
  • build installs
  • run and evaluate automated tests
  • validate the specified parameters and input files
  • remind the unspecified (forgotten!) parameters and input files

Extremely quick usage

Extremely quick usage

If a developer wants to add a new project into the compilation it is pretty enough just to add 1 row with a 'Compile' command and with the path to the project.

And that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

The rest is done by the automat.

Extremely quick usage

Easy launch

Then just run a batch and select the desired type of compilation.

The rest is done by automat.

Easy launch
Synoptical results

Synoptical results

After the completion of the full compilation the system shows the results and display of how many errors it has found in the project. In a well set team it can divide the errors by the developers.

The system differentiates the errors, warnings and hints.

Synoptical results

Clear identification of the error

The system displays a text message related to the error and tells you how the error occurred, what preceded it a where to find it.

Then it is easy to quickly find and fix the error.

Clear identification of the error